We highly recommend Steve as a pre-marital counselor. Neither of us knew what to expect going into it but we thoroughly enjoyed it. He is very personable and easy to talk to. We felt comfortable talking with him about anything and everything. The curriculum he used was very helpful and informative. We learned a lot about each other, how to view our differences, and how to work through things together. He was very honest and candid about his own marriage which made it easier for us to open up with him. He was such a blessing to us and we would not think twice before recommending him to anyone!
The Fords
Confidential Counseling Services
Premarital Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Married Couples Workshop
Pre-Engagement Sessions
The Behavioral Health Foundation of Central MS is a proud sponsor of the Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast on River101 Radio Station in Vicksburg MS and Power 107 Radio in Yazoo City MS.

We are passionate to equip premarital and married couples with the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to enrich their relationship and enjoy a lifetime together.
A relationship is like a pebble?when it hits the water it creates a ripple that has an impact way beyond where it entered. Research tells us that the greatest source of joy in life is healthy relationships and that the greatest source of frustration and pain is unhealthy relationships. Like the little pebble dropped in the water, the quality of our relationships ripple across our lives, the lives of those around and even impact future generations.